Welcome to the best free nonfiction book summaries resource online.
This page is a distillation of everything I’ve learned from the best non-fiction books of all time.
From business to leadership, self-help to psychology, you’ll find more than 143 good book summaries organized by category.
If you’re looking for the best book summaries online, click “Book Summaries by Title” to browse all my entries to date.
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Book Summaries: Table of Contents
- 1. Book Summaries by Title
- 2. Book Summaries by Category
- 3. Top Book Recommendations by Year
- 4. My Annual Reading Lists
- 5. How to Remember What You Read
- 6. How to Read More Books
- 7. How to Get Free Book Summaries
1. Book Summaries by Title
Since 2015, I’ve written summaries for over 143 of the best nonfiction books of all time.
Browse all my entries below, or use Control+F (or Command+F on a Mac) if you have a particular title in mind.
- Become an Idea Machine: Because Ideas Are The Currency Of The 21st Century by Claudia Azula Altucher
- The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber
- Magnetic Marketing: How To Attract A Flood Of New Customers That Pay, Stay, and Refer by Dan Kennedy
2. Book Summaries by Category
These are my book summaries, listed by category.
1. Business Book Summaries. These books offer compelling stories, intriguing insights, and fascinating takeaways from some of the biggest and brightest minds in business and beyond.
2. Biography and Memoir Book Summaries. Some of the best books available are biographies and memoirs of great people. By reading these books, you, too, can learn how to become great.
3. Health and Fitness Book Summaries. It’s easy to worry about health and fitness, isn’t it? These books suggest ideas for getting in shape and eating healthily—in a kind, effective way.
4. Leadership Book Summaries. What makes a great leader? These books—from Coach K to John Wooden—will inspire and empower you to strengthen and motivate your team.
5. Philosophy Book Summaries. It’s easy to regard philosophy as esoteric and academic. These books cut through the haze of misunderstanding and make you aware of what you value and why.
6. Psychology Book Summaries. Why do we do what we do? These thought-provoking books offer a hands-on approach to exploring the human mind and mastering the art of change.
7. My Favorite Books. In writing more than 143 book summaries, I’ve read a lot of books that left a lasting impression. These are the ten books that I return to again and again.
8. Self-Help Book Summaries. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily dramas of life. These timeless classics will help you improve your life, from boosting your confidence to realizing your ambitions.
9. Writing Book Summaries. Put your desk in the corner. The adverb is not your friend. These authors have published bestsellers and, in these books, share what they’ve learned about the craft.
3. Top Book Recommendations by Year
Every December, I share my ten favorite books from the past year. Below are the best books I’ve read since 2015, organized in reverse chronological order.
4. My Annual Reading Lists
I keep a public reading list to ensure I achieve my annual reading goals. Below are my annual reading lists, organized in reverse chronological order.
5. How to Remember What You Read
I believe that if you want to get ahead in life and work, you need to read great books. But I also believe that it’s just as important to remember and recall what we read.
In my experience, the most effective way to do that is to keep a digital “commonplace book.” Here are a few popular articles that will help you do that:
6. How to Read More Books
There’s a lot of advice online on how to read more. But most articles, in my experience, ignore busy professionals trying to balance life and work.
Fortunately, there’s a way to read better books (even if you’re strapped for time like most people).
To learn how to read more, read my article, “How to Read More: A Busy Person’s Guide.”
Or, if you prefer to learn on the go, read my Audible review: “I Tried Audible for 30-Days. Here’s What Happened.”
7. How to Get Free Book Summaries
Every Monday, at 8:15 Pacific Time, I publish a free email newsletter called “Words Into Works.”
In that email, I share one big practical idea from one of the best nonfiction books ever.
To receive Words Into Works in your inbox, enter your email address below and click “Get Updates.”
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Wall of Love
I love hearing from readers who enjoy my book summaries. I don’t ask for testimonials, but here’s what subscribers are saying about my summaries:
@SamThomasDavies is awesome look what I received in his newsletter.
— Saleh B. (@Saleh_marketing) May 13, 2021
I have been looking for a list of good books, this will be a great leısure activity.
Check it out-https://t.co/Dml6eADhjK
Shout out to @SamThomasDavies for his excellent summary of @JamesClear‘s Atomic Habits. Such a great quick-reference resource…I used it as my “Cliff’s Notes” for a training I led yesterday. https://t.co/yJPkfqwZbO
— Adrian Chenault (@amchenault) January 12, 2021
@SamThomasDavies I just want to say, your book summaries have been so helpful. When I can’t remember key points from books I read a while ago, I always find them in your summaries – thank you! 🙏
— Tricia Maitland (@TriciaMaitland) January 4, 2021
@SamThomasDavies‘ blog https://t.co/pL3df9J2Po is what brought out that avid reader in me, transitioning me from fiction to brilliant books on business, and I’ve never looked forward for anyone’s newsletter as much as his! https://t.co/kxkMIi7mj0
— Fatema Rangwalla (@FatemaRangwalla) May 1, 2019
@SamThomasDavies Thank you for such clear and concise book summaries. I am absolutely in love with the quality of the work.
— Ishan Chhabra (@ishan_chhabra) April 24, 2019
Thank you for the awesome book summaries, @SamThomasDavies. They are super helpful. I was trying to remember a key point from The Power of Moments, and your summary helped me remember it. Thanks!
— Joshua Baron (@baronjosh) December 5, 2018
This guy is a legend. I’ve been reading his work for the last 2 days @SamThomasDavies https://t.co/9CiBX22FKC
— Tyler Adkison (@tyblockterra) July 10, 2018
Holy shit this is amazing! This is one hell of a book list with complete with summaries by @SamThomasDavieshttps://t.co/EKyMGFF4yi
— Mike Piccolo (@mfpiccolo) October 4, 2016
came across this awesome book summary website. https://t.co/dspKWa5tqJ thanks @SamThomasDavies
— Praveen Baskar (@praveen2004er) June 3, 2017
You are my new all-time favorite person! I get to have the knowledge of all these great books and You read them! Thanks a Billion!! 🙂 @SamThomasDavies
— tablemediagroup (@tablemedia) February 8, 2018
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